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5 symptoms you should never ignore


WE are all well aware that our busy Emergency department­s are swamped. And while nobody wants to be a nuisance, there are certain symptoms that should never be ignored and getting to hospital or doctor for a proper check-up and appropriat­e treatment could be life-saving. Of course, there are always exceptions – and sometimes symptoms that feel very severe might turn out to be harmless (for instance, it’s common for people experienci­ng severe indigestio­n to fear they’re having a heart attack) – but remember it’s better to be safe than sorry: if you’re worried, get things checked by the experts. It’s far better to feel a little bit embarrasse­d than risk your health. Here are five of the most common red flag symptoms that could indicate a medical emergency...


SEVERE, persistent chest pains – which might be felt as a tightness, squeezing or pressing sensation – could indicate a heart attack. Pain might also travel down the arms (usually the left one), in the jaw, neck, back and abdomen, and other symptoms include breathless­ness, sweating, anxiety (often described as a sense of ‘doom’), nausea and vomiting and coughing/wheezing. If you suspect a heart attack, it’s absolutely crucial to dial 000 and get to hospital immediatel­y.


SHORTNESS of breath that doesn’t feel normal, or that’s causing you to feel unwell or worried, should never be ignored. It might be due to something harmless, or could be an anxiety attack, an asthma attack, allergic reaction (particular­ly if accompanie­d by swelling around the face/mouth area) or due to underlying illness, obstructio­n or injury. The important thing is to get it thoroughly checked as soon as possible.


LIKE heart attacks, a suspected stroke should always be treated as an emergency. Remember the FAST campaign: Face-armsspeech-time. It’s common for the face to droop on one side – the person might not be able to smile or fully open their eye; there may be paralysis in that arm too; speech may become slurred or garbled – the person might be talking in a confused way that makes no sense, or possibly unable to speak at all. And the ‘T’ stands for ‘Time’: time to dial 000. As with heart attacks, stroke symptoms can vary in severity. But don’t take any chances, as if it is a stroke, speedy treatment can mean the difference between life and death, and long-term disability.


A sudden confused and disorienta­ted state that’s out of character and causing concern could be due to a number of things. Again, it may be a symptom of stroke, or could be a result of a severe infection (is there also a rash, fever, vomiting?), or even concussion following a knock to the head, which may even have happened hours or days previously. Either way, it’s best to get things checked as a matter of urgency.


A simple fainting episode – particular­ly where there’s a clear cause, such as a person has become too hot – is not usually a medical emergency. But there are exceptions, and any mysterious loss of consciousn­ess, or repeated fainting attacks or seizures, particular­ly if accompanie­d by other symptoms or physical trauma – and especially if the person’s pulse becomes very weak, erratic or fast – should be treated as a potential emergency. Dial 000 if worried.

 ?? PHOTO: PA PHOTO/THINKSTOCK­PHOTOS. ?? Severe, persistent chest pains could indicate a heart attack.
PHOTO: PA PHOTO/THINKSTOCK­PHOTOS. Severe, persistent chest pains could indicate a heart attack.

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