Dubbo Photo News



z It was the multitalen­ted Pierre Beaumarcha­is – born in the 18th century, he was a revolution­ary in both France and America as well as a watchmaker, diplomat, musician, spy, inventor, publisher and arms dealer – who made the following sage observatio­n: “It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.” z Sharks burp. Yep, even underwater. Evidently, it’s how they regulate the depth at which they swim. z You may have heard American movie and TV characters refer to the school they attended as their alma mater, but do you know where the term comes from? In Latin, “alma mater” means “bounteous mother”. It was in the early 1800s that people began applying the term their beloved schools, particular­ly in the US.

z The skin of the African elephant, the largest land animal alive in the world today, weighs 907kg by itself.

z You might be surprised to learn that the bagpipe did not originate in Scotland. This ancient instrument existed in Asia in the prechristi­an era. Those who study such things say that the Emperor Nero was a bagpiper, even performing publicly at Roman athletic events.

z Those who keep track of such things say that, across the globe, there are more people who have mobile phones than have toilets.

z You’ve probably played with a NERF ball at some point in your life. You might not realise, though, that NERF stands for Non-expanding Recreation­al Foam.

z Actor Tom Cruise attended 15 different schools when he was growing up.


z Another nominee for removing antiperspi­rant stains: meat tenderiser. “Moisten the armpit area and then drag it through some meat tenderiser. Work it in, let it sit for five minutes or so, then launder in the hottest possible water.” – Contribute­d by D.L. z “Activity points are now a prerequisi­te in our house for allowance. Chores are still a part of the equation, but we are trying to instil how important it is to MOVE. I figure if my employer can incentivis­e me with a gym membership, I can ‘pay’ my kids to be active.” – Y.R. z White porcelain sinks are so beautiful in a country kitchen – but boy do those food stains just pop! No sweat, though. Just sprinkle liberally and scrub with baking soda, and then spray on a little hydrogen peroxide. Rub and rinse. z Sources say that if you are having a hard time keeping your eating in check, the key is to plan ahead. At the beginning of the week, make a list of exactly what you plan to have each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks. Then prep that food. Less decision-making midweek means less opportunit­y to make poor decisions. Good luck! z “My three kids (and their friends) were always losing, bending or otherwise ruining my good cutlery. So, I bought a bunch of cheap stuff, a bucket to fit it in and I put it on the counter. It all goes in there together, and you know what? It’s no big deal. We just grab what we need and get on with our lives. I still have the good stuff, and it’s what we use on special occasions.” – T.Y. z Send your tips to now-heres-atip@dubbophoto­news.com.au

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