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z American historian Henry Brooks Adams once said: “They know enough who know how to learn.”

z Spanish explorers named California after a mythical island of Amazon women ruled by a warrior queen named Califa.

z Though an electric eel is born with the ability to see, by the time it becomes an adult it is blind. This lack of sight is not a hindrance, though; the fish uses electricit­y to create an image of its surroundin­gs in much the same way that we use radar. The electricit­y also is how the electric eel kills its prey, producing a 600-volt shock – five times more powerful than the shock you might receive from a household outlet.

z You might be surprised to learn that Philadelph­ia-brand cream cheese was originally made in New York.

z In 1811 and again in 1812, earthquake­s caused America’s Mississipp­i River to temporaril­y reverse course.

z If you’re of a certain age and facing up to wrinkles, you might be interested to learn that, according to some dermatolog­y experts, one of the top causes of skin wrinkles is your habitual sleeping position. Rounding out the top five contributi­ng factors are sun exposure, gravity, smoking and facial expression­s.

z If you ever travel to China, keep in mind that the menu item known colourfull­y as phoenix talons are actually just chicken feet.

z “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.” – Albert Einstein

Thought for the Day: NOW HERE’S A TIP

z “Kids do love their sneakers, but sometimes when a kid loves his sneakers too much and wears them every day, those sneakers don’t love the family back. In short, they stink. We filled a pair of socks with a mix of the crystal kitty litter and the detergent-boosting beads that smell so good. At night, Junior takes his sneaks off and stuffs these mock socks inside. The litter absorbs moisture, and the beads leave them smelling pretty good.” – contribute­d by D.D. z “For a clean look in our bathroom, we use clear pump bottles for shampoo, conditione­r and body wash. I refill them as needed, and it’s so much nicer than having 10 different partially filled bottles in the bathtub.” – R.B. z It’s time to brush your shoes! Give white canvas shoes a makeover with a toothbrush and plain (not coloured) toothpaste. Use the toothbrush to apply the toothpaste and scrub stained areas. Wait five minutes and wipe away with a damp white rag. You should see an improvemen­t.

z We ladies don’t always think to do it, but you should wipe down the exterior of your purse daily.

z To get lift and body in your hair, use a volumizing spray at the roots, and then use your brush to lift the hair up while giving it a shot with a blow dryer.

z If you are serving hot rolls on a buffet, line the basket with aluminium foil before you line it with a towel. The foil will help reflect heat, keeping the rolls warmer longer.

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