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z It was 19th-century German poet Johann Peter Eckermann who made the following sage observatio­n: “Invention requires an excited mind; execution, a calm one.”

z Those who study such things say that if you want to know if someone is likely to keep your secrets, you should look at their birth order in the family. First-born children tend to be better at keeping secrets than kids born later.

z According to biologists, young giraffes have been known to grow up to 1.27cm per hour.

z You might be surprised to learn that America’s first president George Washington was quite a successful purveyor of alcohol. According to the US Distilled Spirits Council, he operated one of the largest whiskey distilleri­es in early America, producing nearly 42,000 litres in 1799. z You may be familiar with the famous scene from Shakespear­e’s “Hamlet” in which the title character picks up the skull of an erstwhile acquaintan­ce and declares, “Alas, poor Yorick!” It’s an icon of the stage, and the screen, and has been published in book form too many times to count, and in many different formats. One in particular stands out, though; in 2009, Czech bookbinder­s and artists Jan and Jarmila Soboda created their own unique edition. It’s a tiny script tucked inside a plastic skull housed in a small metal casket with a hinged lid. z If you’re planning a holiday in Paris, keep in mind that in that city it’s against the law to spin a top on a sidewalk.


z Frozen grapes make great ice cubes for white wine and punch. They are tasty straight out of the freezer, too.

z Want to keep certain rooms off limits to wandering little ones? If you slip a baby sock over a doorknob, then secure it with a heavy-duty rubber band, it will help keep toddlers out! – E.R.

z You might be tempted to reserve your silverware for special occasion use, but it can be used daily. If you do so, it will be less likely to tarnish and require special cleaning and polishing. Hand wash gently – never put silver in the dishwasher – and store in drawers lined with a tarnish proof cloth for best results.

z Substitute cottage cheese for sour cream in dips by running it through a blender until smooth. It’s lower in calories and higher in protein than sour cream. z “If you eat one meal out in a restaurant each day, let it be lunch. The prices are typically lower, and the portions are not really smaller. It’ll keep you going all day, and you can have a light meal or snack in the evening.” – S.L. z Self-care tip: It’s a great idea to set aside a bit of time before bed to think about your goals for the future or to review the successes and lessons learned of the day – or just to not think at all. Double down on the metime by taking the time to hydrate your skin with some lotion.

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