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Sundy Bowls Combo with Pistol Pete... covid style


COVID, QR Codes, masks, social distancing, seated drinking, all this but it is still a social Sundy Bowls for the RSL Combo bowlers. A new month and deep into the winter, it takes a lot, even a minus feel temp of minus 5, to deter most of the RSL bowlers from meeting up with their mates on a friendly bowling green.

All bowlers are reminded that it is a requiremen­t to sign in using the QR Code, whether by your u-beauty smart phone or by the manual method when arriving at the venue. Of course, when leaving please sign out by the same methods. Masks must be worn while within the club, and optional when outside. However, the 1.5m rule should be observed as much as possible. Gosh – all this and one is expected to be concentrat­ing on bowls?

Yep, they warmed to the concentrat­ion, the enjoyment of their time spent bowling, chatting, refreshing and for some – the winning.

As bowlers are getting used to the synthetic green, the results are closer, this day there were some very close games, there was some excellent bowling. One of these games involved Ron Morrison, Peter Bennison and skip – Mel Giddings playing Lucky Leo Balstrad, Pat Sherwin and skip – Roger Sherwin. A low scoring game this one, with a never-say-die attitude by all six bowlers. 3 all at end 5, 8-4 at end 9, and 10-9 at the end. The win going to team Giddings, a good game to watch.

The temp warmed as Steve Kelly and Kevin Scott took to the green with Lionel Ayoub and Matt (Spider Man) Quill. Looking like this was going to be a runaway at end 7 with a 10-3 score, Lionel and (Spider Man) Matt dropped their concentrat­ion, allowing Steve and Kevin back into the game. End 15 it was 12 all, a nervous last end it was, but Lionel and (Spider Man) Matt managed to put in a good single count to scratch up the win 13 – 12.

Another close encounter, Shirley Marchant and Mike Twohill combined to play Dave Davis and Ruth Stocking. The early parts of the game had Shirley and Mike take a good lead, 11-4 at end 7, but a tenacious effort by Dave and Shirley brought them back into contention, and with a 2, 3 and 3 shot final ends, almost made a win, but unfortunat­ely that was not enough, losing 15 – 17.

Running away to a 10 – zip lead at end 4, Sue Mcauley, Doc Livingston and Phil Knight were the goods against Ron Mcauley, Karen Greenhalge and Col Cottee. A 5 shot lead at end 11 should have been enough for Sue, Doc and Phil, but – the wheels fell off (as is said), they stopped scoring, Ron, Karen and Col fired up, scoring on the final 5 ends to assume the lead and the win 17 – 13.

A really one-sided affair saw Eric Satchell, Gaye Cottee and master Peter Kelly swamp Tom Gray, Ross Pharo and Bryan O’sullivan, one might say demolished them. The consistent scoring by team Kelly paid dividends, but there were some magnificen­t heads at times, but in the game of bowls, one must put the bowls closer to the Jack than the others, and this can result in winning the game. 16 – 6 was nearly like an NRL scorecard (these days), however it is the persistenc­e that gave Eric, Gaye and Peter such a good win.

The bowls were packed up, bowlers retired into the clubhouse for refreshmen­ts and the rewards. The major reward went to Eric, Gaye and Peter, with Ron Mcauley, Karen Greenhalge and Col Cottee taking runners-up.

Only three resters had, it is harder to get resters on the new green as the bowl is difficult to stop where one wants it to, but Gaye Cottee and Ruth Stocking (twice) were the only bowlers that could master the feat.

The bowlers with the lucky numbers were Matt (Spider Man) Quill, Phil Knight and Sue Mcauley.

Another week is ahead, intending bowlers are to have names in by 9am for the 9-30am start. The phone is manned from about 8-ish, the number being 5820 0380, or getting to the venue before 9am. Green fee is just six bucks, good value for what is a great socially guaranteed Sundy morning.

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