Dubbo Photo News

‘On the greens’ – a champ rolls again

- Contribute­d by ‘PISTOL PETE’

THIRTY-NINE humans climbed out of bed and rolled up at Sporties on Sunday morning.

Sue O’dea, Mel Giddings and Phil Knight v Gordon Lummis, Steve Kelly and Gordon Scott

The former mentioned are a delightful group as well as ‘good sports’, taking 12 of the 16 ends with big smiles! Sue made her return to the Combo bowls and after six ends her team was already ahead by 12 shots. Gordon’s boys took a while to get going but a brilliant six shot end, and a final three made the score more respectabl­e: 23 – 11. What a comeback for Sue!

Gary Huggins and Rick See (finally rolling up) v Peter Bennison and Kevin Scott.

In a low-scoring match 13 ends were decided by just one shot. “Keep the mat and you have a chance of winning” is the old mantra and Gary and Rick held onto it 11 times to come out victors by 14 shots to six.

Ron Morrison, Julie Brown and skip Col Cottee v Sue Mcauley, Gaye ‘Go-girl’ Cottee and skip (?) whose name has been withheld!

Col’s team was in a good space; the other was trying to find a space that felt good! No-one saw it coming, no-one expected the result that came from this scenario. Let me unfold the game end by end. Scores were 1, 1, 0, 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3... adding up to 32 shots to one at end 12! Kinda ‘outa of this world’! Col, the Combo champ was back in form and led his team to a 32 – 7 – cruel, I know, but have to say – drubbing. Being always the philosophe­r, I’m of the opinion that ‘coming second is better than last’. Whew!

Helen Emblem, Ross Pharo and Peter Sinclair v Chris Strojny, Cheryl Storch and Eric Satchell.

This contest- er, confrontat­ion – was played with mutual respect that resulted in eight ends apiece. At end 15 Peter and his cohorts tried to steal and grabbed a three-shot march but ‘Satch’ had other ideas and schemed with his offsiders to construct a wonderful six shots on the final end. Bowlers might feel disappoint­ment at times but they always praise good bowling and thus it was again – final score 16 shots to 13.

Leo Balstrad, Ruby Stockings and Matt Quill v Ron Mcauley, Pete Ruzans and Chris Cristante. A fairly even derby, eight-all at end 9. A killer end at 12 with a score of five gave Matt and crew a commanding advantage and Chris and his troops couldn’t claw them back. Leo, Ruby and Matt smiling with their 19 to 13 win.

Paul Woodbridge, Dave Davis and Trish Gosper v Beryl Scott, Doc Livingston amd Graham Miller.

11 shots to two at end 5 by Graham and troops gave Trish and her charges a call to arms. They pulled it back with three at 11 only to be thwarted by a threeshot end against them. Graham, Beryl and Doc did enough for a 17- 12 win.

Ian and Beryl Hobson became the second ‘happy couple’ of the day to line up against each other. One wonders what bribery and coercion was exchanged as they faced off across the mat! Allan Stratford played his first game as ‘Swinger’, teaming up with Neil Hayburn and Beryl Hobson as well as John Cole and Ian Hobson. At end 12 it was evenly poised with Beryl’s lot leading 10-9 but they must have driven their cart over a huge rock! The wheels fell off. Did they lose the plot? A sudden and glorious effort by Ian and John with the help of their swinging mate assembled a five shot end on 13 and that’s how it went: 17-10 to Allan, John and Ian.

 Winners – Ron Morrison, Julie Brown and Col Cottee with 36 points;

 Runners up – Sue O’dea, Mel Giddings and Phil Knight with 24 points;

 Resters (a rare breed) were Kevin Scott and Col Cottee;

 Lucky numbers went to Leo, Doc and Ross;

 Bowler of the Year – Col Cottee (13), leads Doc (12) and Al Stratford (11).

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