Dubbo Photo News

Geurie ladies knit up a storm

...a ni li “yarn”


DOING their bit to help those less fortunate; a group of local women are knitting up a storm.

Dedicated ladies from the Geurie Craft Group recently handed over crafted items made with love and care over the past 12 months.

Charities supported include the Orana Support Group, Macquarie Home Stay, Wellington and Dubbo Ambulance Services, and Little Wings, spokespers­on, Colene Forster explained.

The handing over of the knitted items such as blankets, beanies, and soft toys also normally includes a presentati­on by a representa­tive of the non-profit of the good work they do in the local community, she revealed.

“When we donated to Orana Support Service we were lucky enough to have Emily, on behalf of Tina Reynolds, come and inform us of their great challenges and work that they do. After a cuppa, we helped Emily load her car with our donations,” Colene said.

“Rod Crowfoot from Macquarie Home Stay also came to pick up our donation; this time Rod enlightene­d us on the new project of the building additions going up and the needs of their clients. This was very helpful and has inspired us to continue with our donations during 2024,” she added.

For practical purposes, the ladies support local charities for whom driving out to pick up the items is less of a burden.

“Orana support helps refugees, sufferers of domestic violence… there’s a women’s refuge, a men’s refuge, and with they support large number of homeless people.

“These people often go the refuge with nothing; there was a lady who went in the morning and had a baby in the afternoon, and had nothing, we provided baby clothes and blankets that the girls had knitted.”

Colene said that the group provide items to order, depending on the need of the charities they support. Each donation consists of no less than 30 knitted animals, teddies, winter beanies, scarfs, baby clothes, and blankets.

“Macquarie Home Stay, for instance, supports families coming down all the way from the border and out in western NSW, who need to go to hospital here,” Colene said. “So, we provide, beanies for those being treated with chemothera­py, knee rugs, and blankets for children.”

The group could not do their good works without kind donations of yarn and other materials for their work.

“All these toys cannot be made without wool, and we would like to thank the ladies in the community that have donated. Of course, if anyone else wants to donate to the group, that would be fantastic.

“Plus, we wish also thank the ladies that have also knitted teddies and donated them to our growing stockpile.”

Like many volunteer organisati­ons in the community, however, no one is getting any younger, and more help is always appreciate­d.

“All the ladies are over 70; we get together once a week and it’s a social day for us, many of whom live on their own, our ladies are now known as ‘The Nana Knitters’, as they continue to keep-on, keeping-on.

“We are very fortunate to be able to meet every Wednesday at Geurie Bowling Club for a day of knitting, sewing, and chatter, so if you are crafty and would like to join us, come along – we start around 9.30am and go to 2pm, or call me on 0400 422 335,” Colene concluded.

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 ?? PHOTOS: SUPPLIED ?? Dedicated ladies from the Geurie Craft Group recently handed over crafted items made with love and care over the past 12 months.
PHOTOS: SUPPLIED Dedicated ladies from the Geurie Craft Group recently handed over crafted items made with love and care over the past 12 months.

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