How To Care for Bare -Rooted P lants


Planting bare-rooted plants, shrubs and trees in late winter and early spring can be a cost effective option to growing your garden. Bare-rooted plants will typically be cheaper than when they are in bloom. Bare-rooted plants will come in a bag of sawdust or soil to keep the roots from drying out.

When planting bare roots, make sure you have your hole dug and prepared before buying your plant so that you are ready to plant when you get them home. You want to avoide exposing the roots of the plant to the air. You should not let them dry out at all.

Dig a hole that is large enough to fit the roots without bending or breaking any. Trim off any dead roots before soaking the roots in water for an hour or two (no longer) before planting. Water well after planting and stake your trees and plants for the first year or two, if required.

The winter garden doesn’t have to be bleak and colourless. With a few well chosen plants, trees and shrubs you can create a magical winter wonderland that will inspire you through the chilly months.


Camellias are the queen of the winter garden. With their beautiful big blooms and glossy green leaves, they should be a feature in the winter garden. Camellias require a well draining, acidic soil. Plant in a spot that will receives some morning sun and afternoon shade.


With their sweetly perfumed flowers, Daphne plants are a fragrant addition to any winter garden. Plant Daphne in spring in moist, rich and well-draining soil. Be careful with daphne roots, don’t tease them out when you plant them and be careful not to damage them when you are planting. Daphne does best in cool to temperate climates and will not tolerate hot sun.


One of the first bulbs to burst through the soil and snow in late winter, snowdrops are a sign that spring is on the way. These pretty white flowering bulbs need a cold winter to grow well so are only suited to cooler climates. Plant bulbs grow well in pots and containers but are at their best when they are planted en masse on borders. Snowdrops will be dormant in summer.


Pretty cyclamens start to come alive as the weather cools down. With their pretty blooms, they are perfect to grow indoors in a light-filled, cool and humid spot. Cyclamens can be water sensitive so only water when the soil strats to dry but don’t leave it too long so that the plant dries out.


One of the most fragranced bulbs in the garden, Jonquil Erlicheer are an easy to grow bulb that will reward you year after year. They multiply well and produce a profusion of beautiful creamy blooms. Erlicheer grow well in most climates but in cool climates they really thrive.


Looking for a dramatic splash of colour for your winter garden? Try holly with its bright red berries and glossy green leaves. Holly makes a great hedge or screening plant, but be sure to check the weed status in your area before planting.

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