
Game commentary in snack-sized mouthfuls


Game commentary in snack-sized mouthfuls, featuring John Carmack

“We start with the goals we want to achieve. Power in and of itself is not a goal. The question is, what that power makes possible.” To PlayStatio­n 4 lead system architect Mark Cerny, the answer to that question was, unfortunat­ely, Knack

“If democracy is a computer game, and Hillary is completing women’s 100-year quest to get to the Oval Office, it kind of makes sense that this would be the final boss.” John Oliver puts the election race in terms we understand

“We shouldn’t let gaming turn into an art form that’s defined by a number. Nobody asks when you look at a painting, ‘How many colours were used?’” We’ll remember this when Scorpio launches, Xbox head Phil Spencer

“We are coasting on novelty, and the initial wonder of being something people have never seen before. But we need to start judging ourselves. Not on a curve, but in an absolute sense.” If it helps, Oculus CTO John Carmack, we’re all judging Palmer Luckey

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