This Month On Edge

The things that caught our eye during the production of E310



The Ataribox bit.ly/ataribox20­17 ET:TheExtra-Terrestria­l gave our younger selves nightmares for months, you know. And while it was nothing compared to the horrors that were visited on the Atari execs who carried the can for the most famous failure in videogame history, it does mean we’re a little cool on the company’s new Ataribox. Designed both to appeal to old fans while also attracting new ones, the new, HDMI-enabled console has a ribbed plastic design, with a front panel available in glass or classic wood. The company says the system will support ‘current content’ as well as vintage games; quite how that will work for a company whose firstparty software effort consists solely of Rollercoas­ter Tycoon is anyone’s guess, however.

continue Murder ace

Tokido, one of the Japanese Street Fighter ‘ gods’, finally wins at Evo

In media Rez

Thanks to all who attended our Mizuguchi session at Develop


After fifive US trips in three months,m we are truly ready for a nice sit down

SplendidSp­l isolation

A modder finishes the VR port of Alien Isolation

quit P$ Plus

A tenner more per year? Better get writing in to Dialogue, hadn’t you

Stop making cents

Is there a company left in games that Tencent

doesn’t own a stake in?

Serf war

You’d think freelancer­s would take it easy on their editors in Splatoon 2

Ashes to ashes

Servers collapse at the first Pokémon Go Fest


A Toy Story world for Kingdom Hearts 3 makes sense, because KH3 developmen­t stops moving whenever someone looks at it.

Imran Khan @imranzomg Senior editor, Game Informer To the individual who tried to log in to the beta over 500 times this weekend, the wait is almost over.

Luke Smith @thislukesm­ith Game director, Destiny2 The upside of an indie hit has never been higher. The chances of making a living from it have never been lower.

Cliff Harris @cliffski Founder, Positech Games Cancelled a seaside drone flight in Brighton because setting down the thing on the ground caused the local seagulls to try and mate with it.

Rami Ismail @tha_rami Co-founder, Vlambeer

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