Little Devil Inside

PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One


Developer/publisher Neostream

Format PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One

Origin South Korea

Release TBA

All the greatest adventures start in the mind. An idea, an impulse, an imagined goal: from there, it bleeds out into the world around you, and colours it to match. And this particular adventure, conceived many years ago by creative director Kody Lee, captures that reality perfectly. Set in a mysterious – but not magical – world, it spans muddy swamps and vast deserts, murky ocean depths and shivering mountainou­s heights, foggy forests and icy tundras that crack and echo underfoot. But its creators take great pains to explain to us that this semi-open world is actually quite compact. “We did not set out to make a game with an epic scope,” Lee says, “and we still don’t think it is, compared to many triple-I games out there.” The sheer and wondrous variety of Little Devil Inside’s locales simply allows an active imaginatio­n to run wild.

In fact, the game has been designed with that goal in mind from the very beginning. “There was a time,” says Neostream business developmen­t director John Choi, “when before buying a game at your local game shop, there was little or nothing to go on except for a little cover art. The cover art often just had characters and the world at a glance, but somehow encouraged the player to picture the game in their imaginatio­n. This nostalgic essence is what we wanted to recreate with Little Devil Inside, hence our main design concept – minimalism.”

It’s a smart and considered play for a debut game: this is Neostream’s first title, having operated mainly as a hugely successful multimedia company since 1998. Why branch out into making games? It’s a tough business, after all. “Our passion has always been in videogames,” Choi tells us, explaining that the team has experiment­ed with various ideas for games over the years, but that the pace of daily business (including running two studios simultaneo­usly in two different countries) mean that focusing on games was next to impossible. “In the end, our hearts got the better of us, and we decided to go all-in to try and realise our true passion and purpose. So I guess it wasn’t a branch, but a new seed. And yes! We’re just finding out now that it’s definitely not an easy industry to be in. At least we’re having a hell of a ride so far.”

We’d say so. Neostream launched a Kickstarte­r for the game back in 2015, hoping to secure funding for a very alternativ­e kind of RPG adventure. “This game is not just about killing arch-demons and saving the world,” the descriptio­n reads – although there’s plenty of that going on, with all kinds of monsters, from giant grinning cats to deer-headed spirits, yetis to cockatrice­s, kraken

and dragons (and, formerly, some uncomforta­bly stereotypi­cal ‘jungle savage’ enemies, the design of which Neostream has apologised for and is now working to alter). “This is a game that tells stories about people with ‘unusual’ jobs such as hunting monsters, and what happens in their everyday life [while] doing so.” As beleaguere­d protagonis­t and half-decent swordsman Billy, you find yourself part of Professor Vincent and Dr Oliver’s research team, leading expedition­s to explore the surreal wilds and hunt beasties. The ultimate goal? To aid your contractor­s in building a comprehens­ive encycloped­ia of all phenomenal existence. (Humorously, this often seems to involve you getting cold, wet, dirty, sunburned, lost or nearly eaten alive, while your more academical­ly-inclined colleagues direct from further back.) In the process, you’ll find yourself stumbling across “influentia­l figures and various organisati­onal bodies with discreet and secretive interests,” Lee tells us. You’ll undertake requests for them – which leads to you uncovering a number of ancient secrets and clues.

The idea caught the attention of over 5,000 backers – and also, rather unexpected­ly for Neostream, of Sony, who got in touch “very soon after Kickstarte­r”. They were shocked, Choi tells us: so much so that they felt it was too early to make a commitment. But when rumours of a next-generation PlayStatio­n began to circulate, they received “a louder knock at the door” and knew it was time to take up the company’s offer of support. The partnershi­p was finally set in stone just before the PS5 reveal event last June.

Sony’s support has been invaluable to a new team some way into its own long journey, Neostream tells us. But that guiding star of minimalist design has also worked wonders for Little Devil Inside. And not just via the art style (a delightful­ly muted, slightly blocky, toy-town aesthetic that manages to be at once endearing and foreboding). “On the surface, it may look over-ambitious,” Lee says. “But the mechanics we are bringing in from multiple genres are just the core essence of its parent.” Although the game combines action, exploratio­n, survival and RPG elements, then, they are all treated with a lighter touch. “For example, we don’t intend to make survival gameplay that becomes a repetitive chore that gets in the way of overall progressio­n,” he continues, “and we certainly don’t intend to go too far with RPG features to be compared with other hardcore, grinding hack-and-slash RPG games. We wish to express more with less, and leave some room for the players to fill in for themselves.”

It makes sense for an adventure that’s about fully taking in every moment, whether it’s an encounter with a new monster or land. The UI is kept deliberate­ly clean for this purpose, with Neostream paying particular attention to sound and character design to convey incoming threats or survival needs. There is no fast travel, only a train to travel between different regions on the world map – and you may find you experience curious or dangerous events while riding to your next research destinatio­n. And your town serves as a place of preparatio­n: in a routine that recalls both the Persona and Monster Hunter series, you’ll get ready for expedition­s by gathering intel about regions and potential foes, packing weather-resistant gear and choosing the most appropriat­e weapons before setting off, and this will determine your level of success. And so will you: “The game is not designed in a way where we expect you to break and demolish every box you see, seek that ultimate gem or rune, run into all corners of a level or [get addicted] to creating the most powerful sword,” Lee says. “It’s more about the journey.”

Slow and steady wins the race, in other words –a maxim that can be applied to the developmen­t process of Little Devil Inside itself, now several years in the making. It’s taken much longer than they’d expected, Choi admits, due to difficulty finding local talent in a country where the market is still driven largely by online and mobile games. But we’re closer than ever to seeing what’s inside the minds at Neostream become a reality – not just in the game, but in our own heads, too.

“We wish to express more with less, and leave some room for the players to fill in”

 ??  ?? A good working dynamic is essential, in-game and out. “The single most important thing we have learned, and are still learning,” Choi says, “is forming, developing and maintainin­g a strong team”
A good working dynamic is essential, in-game and out. “The single most important thing we have learned, and are still learning,” Choi says, “is forming, developing and maintainin­g a strong team”
 ??  ?? ABOVE The parochial town that hosts the professor’s study and serves as a preand post-mission hangout. The trailer suggests you may be able to play as Vincent at certain points, as does this screenshot, but Neostream remains coy.
ABOVE The parochial town that hosts the professor’s study and serves as a preand post-mission hangout. The trailer suggests you may be able to play as Vincent at certain points, as does this screenshot, but Neostream remains coy.
 ??  ?? RIGHT Super-minimal UI makes for breathtaki­ng screenshot­s. Here, the survival aspect of Little Devil Inside is on display: without a light, you’re probably about to be in trouble
RIGHT Super-minimal UI makes for breathtaki­ng screenshot­s. Here, the survival aspect of Little Devil Inside is on display: without a light, you’re probably about to be in trouble
 ??  ?? LEFT You can upgrade your steampunk-style weapons and armour using supernatur­al powers gleaned from looted artefacts. BELOW A co-op mode was planned, but is one of the features that has now been cut. Hopefully vehicles are still around, as there are plenty of threats to outrun
LEFT You can upgrade your steampunk-style weapons and armour using supernatur­al powers gleaned from looted artefacts. BELOW A co-op mode was planned, but is one of the features that has now been cut. Hopefully vehicles are still around, as there are plenty of threats to outrun
 ??  ??

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