Sound asleep

Drift away with the dreamy style of rhythm-action title Melatonin


Vancouver-based developer David Huynh says he “wanted to tell a story about how your own personal desires and anxieties can affect your dreams and vice versa. The story in Melatonin is about that feedback loop spiraling out of control.” Yet this is no dark, moody exploratio­n of the human psyche, but a rhythm-action game that has you whacking alarm clocks with a baseball bat one minute and speeding after a box of delicious doughnuts the next. With minigames themed around followers, tech, money and food, it’s essentiall­y Rhythm Paradise for the Twitter generation; those dreamy looks, meanwhile, are “a blend of styles from animated shows that I watch, such as Adventure Time and Mob Psycho 100.” Assuming reality doesn’t intrude on Huynh’s plans, we can look forward to entering a rhythmic reverie when Melatonin launches on PC in early 2022.

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