ELLE (Australia)


APR 21 — MAY 21


YOU ARE ENTERING AN EXCITING period in your life. Uranus, the planet of innovation, disruption, creativity, rebellion, independen­ce and sudden change, enters Taurus on March 6, 2019, and remains there for seven years. Uranus takes 84 years to circle the Sun, spending seven years in each sign it visits, so this could be the first and last time in your life that you will experience Uranus in Taurus. The planet last toured your sign in 1946.


In 2019, you will be on the cutting edge of all that is innovative and fresh. Uranus is the natural ruler of your tenth house of career, so you may start to shift your work life in a new direction. Your job is likely to be powerfully influenced by changes in technology, and if it has always been your dream to be famous, now’s your chance.

Three heavenly bodies in Aquarius congregati­ng in your tenth house in early February suggest the best time to forge ahead in your career will be around the 14th of the month, 10 days after the new moon. This new moon suggests there will be strong competitio­n for the job you want, but you may be lulled into assuming you have no competitor­s at all. They’ll be right under your nose, so you need to be organised and polished.

A full moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn on July 16 sees Saturn placing undue pressure on you, but other planets in Capricorn and Cancer are friendly to Taurus, so you’ll get through it.


The outlook for the full moon eclipse in Leo on January 20 is mixed. On one hand, Uranus, the planet of sudden news, will be at sharp odds with the sun and new moon, which is a disruptive, jarring aspect. On the other hand, Venus will arrive arm-in-arm with Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck. This is a glittering, five-star aspect that will likely save the day. As your ruler, Venus carries greater weight for you than any other sign with the exception of Libra, with whom you share Venus’ rulership. If you find yourself in a financial fix at this time, Venus and Jupiter will provide an answer that works perfectly, so stay optimistic.

Jupiter entered Sagittariu­s last year on November 8, 2018 to stay 13 months, so this will be a fantastic year to see your savings multiply.


Now and in the coming seven years of Uranus in Taurus, you will be more determined than ever to make a contributi­on to the world and make your time on earth count for something. Uranus rules humanitari­an causes, charities and helps marginalis­ed or overlooked segments of society, so you may be moved to protect the environmen­t, care for animals, or dedicate time to underprivi­leged children.

A key date for home and family matters is July 31, when the new moon is in Leo but this might not be entirely positive. Unexpected housing disputes may arise, so be prepared and make sure agreements with your landlords and housemates are airtight. Avoid signing papers between July 31 and August 10. Instead, make big decisions on August 31, when the ruler of your home sector, the sun, will be beautifull­y conversant with Uranus.

Internatio­nal relationsh­ips and exciting travel plans will also be an important theme for you this year.


Your romantic prospects glow brilliantl­y for 2019 and your love life will be best when passionate Mars moves thorough your true love sector between August 17 and October 3. At the same time, Venus, the goddess of love, will tour the same sector from August 21 to September 14, giving you a rare and wonderful overlap mid-year. Of these dates, the evenings of August 23-25 deserve a gold star for finding love or for celebratin­g your love for someone. Venus will conjoin Mars on that heavenly weekend and it doesn’t get any better than this! Plan something special with the one you love or, if you’re single, go out and see what the world has to offer. Cupid will be watching over you.

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