Farm World News

Innovative agricultur­al plastic wrap that disappears in landfill


With the increasing issue of disposable plastic products in landfill, Biogone have developed Australia’s first innovative eco-smart silage wrapping for the farming industry using biodegrada­ble plastic.

Biogone’s landfill-biodegrada­ble silage stretch film and hay net feature an additive that attracts microbes in landfill, that begin to eat away and digest the plastic.

Once disposed of to landfill, the plastic will decompose up to 90 per cent faster than traditiona­l plastics, which generally takes hundreds of years or more to biodegrade.

Biogone co-founder, Dr. Ross Headifen said, “On average, the Australian farming industry uses a mammoth 8,000 tonnes of farm plastics per year such as dairy silage wraps and covers, which end up as waste.

We are however seeing several landfills in Gippsland that accept silage wraps and we encourage farmers to dispose of these plastics the right way.

Ideally, plastic would be picked up by local government agents for recycling if such facilities exist, or disposed to the landfill where it could biodegrade away”.

Biodegrada­tion is slower compared to a banana peel biodegradi­ng in a landfill, as the biodegrada­bility of the plastic depends on the level of microbial activity in the landfill, the material thickness as well as the temperatur­e and moisture level in the landfill.

Biogone silage wrap and hay nets are UV resistant and do not fragment to microplast­ics, and the landfill-biodegrada­ble plastic has a no shelf life issues.

To learn more about Biogone’s range of plastic products, visit au

 ?? ?? Biogone landfill-biodegrada­ble silage wrap, hay wrap and hay net is the smart and sustainabl­e storage solution for silage.
Biogone landfill-biodegrada­ble silage wrap, hay wrap and hay net is the smart and sustainabl­e storage solution for silage.

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