Fast Bikes



Fast Bikes Magazine: Where do you guys sit on the new Yamaha NIKEN, then? This new three wheeled, erm, something! Whatever it is, or is supposed to be, it looks absolutely bananas – wheelies may be a bit tricky though! What say you?

AdamAsher: If it helps disabled bike riders to get back on the road then I’m all for it!

Jon Wilkens: Chances of hoisting a monster wheelie? Zero.

Geoff Paige: Ugly and impractica­l, except for those that would benefit from a tripod.

Mark Robertson: ‘Load o shite a motrbyk has 2 weels’ comments are predictabl­e. Potentiall­y great implicatio­ns for disabled people for whom riding is no longer possible, or has never been possible. Interested to see if it becomes a viable / pursued option for those unable to use a convention­al bike.

Michael Merdeath: Thankfully Yamaha still makes different models... Vicky Ethers: Nobody is going to be niken that in a hurry!!

Fernville Depot: As someone in a wheelchair, it works for me.

Neil Batho: I couldn’t see the point until I read the post from Fernville Depot. Now I like the idea.

Matt Brown: I’d love to see the Yamaha business case behind it, highlighti­ng which sector they are aiming at. They already have a solid scooter range and the MT series has pulled them back up to the top. An amazing technical achievemen­t for sure and I know I’m going to get mugged by one at a trackday too.

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