Fast Bikes



250m on the ski machine

A full body workout, which kills your core, upper body and lower body, while starving you of breath. An all-round high intensity killer for longevity on the bike!

6 reps of bamboo bench press

Although the standard bench press works wonders on your chest muscles, by using the unstable bamboo bar you have to work twice as hard in order to keep the bar straight and smooth, offering greater strength, stability and rehabilita­ting endurance – while providing a similar experience to clinging onto your bars!

500m row

Increases your overall endurance with both upper and lower body, while really hitting the weight loss button for keeping those kgs off.

6 Turkish get-ups (each side)

Not only do these absolute bastard exercises build your strength both in core and arms, but they do wonders for your balance and stability too – exactly what you need on two wheels!

1km on the Watt bike

Whether it’s the first or last lap, you need to be at the top of your game. By keeping your rpms above 90 you’re constantly pushing yourself, through the exhaustion barrier while destroying those calories. A slim rider is a fast rider!

The finisher

This was three sets on the reaction plates, with plank walks in between each set. Getting off the Watt bike you’re absolutely destroyed, which is the perfectt time to test those reactions – you wouldn’t w want someone to jump up the inside of you at t he final corner would you? Add those plank walk ks in to destroy your core in the process… and then the same again!

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