Fast Bikes

Gary Johnson

It’s non-stop for Gaz as he beavers away to get his bikes ready for a season on the road.


It’s been non-stop for me since goodness knows when. After my awesome sn boarding trip last

, I only had a day-and-a-half at home before I headed back down to Malaga with

Triumph, this time to introduce all their dealers to the new models. Our job is to make sure that all the bikes are shipshape so that the dealers have the best possible time riding them. It’s a bit like a Press launch, so it’s nothing new, but it is a little bit m e relaxed, in all fairness. We work hard during the day, but when all the work is done everyone lets their h a few drinks and generally has a good time. It’s great fun, and you always meet some top p

As luck would have it, as soon as I was finished with Trium ere was a four-day track event at Almeria so I got my old man, Turbo Trev, to head down to Spain and pick my new ZX-10R practice bike up from M Kawasaki on the way. It’s not in full race trim yet, but was great to spin some laps on the bike. I’ve been lu ve done quite a bit of riding this off-season, but nothing compares to blasting around a track on a semi-prepared race bike. It was four days well spent, and four days doing decent lap times on a bike that’s not qu re yet as far as build and set-up goes. Now that done, we’ve shot up to Cartagena with No e track time. We got some Metzeler tyres to test ut, so it should be really interestin­g. re going to have a go with all the tyres in the COMPK range, so I’ll le ou know how we get on with them at a later date.

After the four days at Almeria, I’ve t a big list of bits and bobs th I think we need to do to the bike, bu he time we have finished at expecting that it will be an even bigger list. When we are back in Blighty I’ll be heading down to see Nick Morgan at MSS Performanc­e’s headquarte­rs at Colchester Kawasaki for some extra parts. The plan is to throw a ‘kit’ wiring harness and ECU the bike, as well as any other kit parts we can get our hands on.

We’re not going to have time to do loads, because it won’t be long before we are racing with No Limits at the first round of their season, and I’m hoping to get to the first official BSB test with Lee Hardy and the boys.

I’m also knee-deep in my 765 build, which I’ll be racing in the 765RS Cup – a new championsh­ip at No Limits Racing, which I’m really looking forward to.

I’m getting all this work done on the bikes, and I’m booked in to have a little bit of work done on myself, too. It’s nothing major, just a little op on my elbow. I have a nerve which has been causing me some jip, so hopefully they can release it and free up some of the numbing I’m getting in my throttle arm.

Anyway, that’s enough from me for now. I’d better go and get some Weetabix in me, ready for a long day on the track. Take it easy, kids!

 ??  ?? Gaz, on a warm-up lap. Stealthy. Heaven.
Gaz, on a warm-up lap. Stealthy. Heaven.

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