Fast Ford



With the surface of the car fully cleaned and prepared, the final phase is to physically apply the HALO coating. Gtechniq recommend you work in small areas of roughly 500-600mm square, or to the nearest suitable bodylines of the car. This is also where System Clenz’s excellent lighting pays dividends, as the bright, diffused light allows Matt to see exactly what areas of the car have been treated. That job was made somewhat easier with our car’s satin finish, as areas where HALO is applied take on a temporary glossy finish until the product is buffed off. This a methodical process, and certainly isn’t something that should be rushed. In fact, it’s the most time-consuming phase of the whole process, not least of all because the car requires two coats of HALO, and Gtechniq recommend allowing at least an hour between coats…


1 Using a new applicator pad, Matt gently adds some of the HALO solution and applies to the freshly-prepared surface. Working in smaller areas of around 500mm square Matt uses overlappin­g strokes to ensure the entire panel is coated with HALO. 2 Once HALO has been applied to a panel, it is then buffed off using a new microfibre cloth. On our car it was easier to see where HALO had been applied as the satin finish temporaril­y takes on a glossy look until the coating has been buffed. 3 After the entire car has received the first coat of HALO, we need to wait at least an hour before repeating the process to apply a second coat. Then the car needs to be left indoors for a further 12 hours for HALO to cure sufficient­ly before it’s safe to use the car.


4 After a full day’s work, and curing overnight, the RS is ready to collect the next morning, now fully protected with HALO. The satin flip-colour finish remains unaffected by the process, but when you run your fingers over the treated bodywork you can instantly feel it’s much smoother than before. Previously you could feel the slightly rough texture of the wrap, but now your fingers glide across the silky smooth surface. That’s because HALO has chemically bonded to the vinyl and effectivel­y sealed the surface to prevent any dirt and grime clinging to it. This can be seen when we get the hose out for the famous ‘water beading’ photos – the water just sheets off.

Matt and Gtechniq advise using Gtechniq’s GWash and Quick Detailer when cleaning the car in future, as these have been extensivel­y tested and developed to work in harmony with the HALO coating, prolonging its lifespan (up to two years).

With the busy summer show season just about to kick into full swing, the timing is perfect. I now have a car that is fully protected against all the fallout and other grime that the summer throws at it, but is also quick and easy to restore to looking its very best too. I call that a winner! So when you see the RS on stand at shows and events over the coming weeks, pop over and see the effects of the HALO coating for yourself. You’ll not be disappoint­ed, it really is amazing stuff and a must for anyone with a wrapped car if you ask us.

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