Fast Ford



It's show time! This month has been pretty hectic; six deadlines and four shows for me in the last six-weeks has meant I've been flat-out recently. It hasn't been too bad, though, as one of those shows just happened to be the biggest Blue Oval event of the year; yep, we were at Ford Fair!

I've been attending Ford Fair for a number of years now (like many of you I imagine) and it's a show that always impresses me. The sheer scale is mindboggli­ng. There's no other car scene that is anywhere near as dedicated to their brand as Ford fans. As such, Ford Fair is by far the biggest single-marque show I've ever seen – it's bigger than most multimarqu­e events!

And despite what a handful of haters on the internet might suggest, there is always a really cool selection of Fords of all ages, shapes, sizes, and tastes on display. The Fast Ford stand alone had everything from a concours-spec RS200 and ultra-rare RS1700T (read just how rare in the Motorsport Memories feature this issue), through 500bhp-plus Cossie sleepers, RS500 race cars, Sierra and Escort Cosworths and RS Turbo show cars, to modern Focus and Fiesta feature cars (including a 4x4 Mk2 ST!), right through to my Mk3 Focus RS and snapper Jason's Mustang GT.

And there were plenty of other stands with just as much diversity too. We even bumped into a group of Escort Cossie owners that made the trip all the way from Switzerlan­d! It really is a fantastic event, and rather than look for any negatives or moan about the price of burgers, we should all unite and get behind events like Ford Fair to ensure our Ford scene remains the best in the entire modified car world!

If you did miss the show this year, or you were there but didn't get chance to see the whole thing (with so much to see, it is a challange!), then make sure you check out our full show report on page 46. This is just a snippet of the cool stuff Ford Fair has to offer, but we've compiled our favourite bits from 2019. Elsewhere, we've got fantastic feature cars (I love James Pepper's Sierra from the cover showing that the Cossie is still the working man's supercar!), great tech advice, old-school archive stories, club meets, and all a whole bunch of Ford greatness.

Enjoy the mag!

- Jamie King - Editor

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