Fast Ford


For anyone that drives, getting a speeding ticket or being hit by an uninsured driver is a very real fear. Thankfully, Road Angel has the answer to worry-free motoring, speed awareness and increased safety


Who wants a speeding ticket? No one, obviously, but the stats from the Department for Transport suggest that Britain’s drivers are pretty careless about notching one up. Last year the DfT monitored 446.6million journeys and discovered that over half of those exceeded the speed limit. Perhaps strangely, it’s the lower speed of 20mph that is most often ignored, with over 86% of journeys through 20mph zones – generally urban and close to schools, being clocked over the limit. A whopping 48% of people on motorways also exceeded the 70mph limit - and 11% of those went on to top 80mph. When you consider that the average fine is £100 and 3 points on a licence, with the option of a speed awareness course for first time offenders or those with a clean licence for three years, speed awareness becomes a burning issue, never more so than if a job depends upon it.

There are now 15 different types of speed camera on the UK road network, so speed awareness is now a serious issue to contend with wherever and whatever you drive, but never more so than if what you’re at the helm of has an abundance of power in reserve. All too often stealth cameras such as the new ‘Yellow Vulture’ and existing pop-pickers favourites like the Gatso, SPECS and Truvelo cameras can capitalise upon a moment’s lack of concentrat­ion. Before you know it, a ticket lands on the door step and it’s, ‘Hello, speed awareness course’, or worse, ‘Goodbye, clean licence…’

While the age-old tale of speed limit +10% plus 2 or 3mph may ring true when it comes to a radar detector or police camera van – a decision which is largely down to human discretion, many of the current cameras are calibrated so accurately that there’s simply no room for manoeuvre nowadays, if you’re caught speeding, then you’re caught speeding - and that’s it.

So, how can you fight back and ensure that even in the fastest Fords that you don’t get collared with a summons from her majesty’s finest? Well, the answer is really quite simple – Road Angel speed awareness devices. As a producer of class-leading speed camera and dash camera solutions, Road Angel has undergone somewhat of a resurgence recently. For decades it has been supplying the UK with genre-defining solutions, and now it’s upped the game once again to help combat lawlessnes­s on the Queen’s highway. Not in a kind of preachy, holier than thou way, more like a friendly guardian angel to have by your side at all times. Put down that Smartphone, which as we all know is illegal to use on the move, and open your eyes to the road ahead where a clean licence becomes mandatory.

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