Feminessence Magazine

Create your ‘Sacred Sexy Love Temple’


Your surroundin­gs can have a huge influence on how you feel, especially when it comes to receiving and giving pleasure for or with your person.

Ecstatic sex is more freely experience­d in an environmen­t that makes all participan­ts feel safe. I highly recommend making this part of your ritualisti­c love making temple practices.

Make a commitment to visit this safe sexual temple at least once a week for both shared pleasure and individual self pleasure. Let’s put intimacy back on the menu.

Find a space in your abode that feels sanctuary like (this could also be the bedroom if you can transform the space by changing it up for your love making session). To create your temple fill it with soft furnishing­s, large floor cushions, scented candles, soft music and mood lighting. Remove anything that distracts you from being completely present with your person, including photograph­s. Only include items that make you feel alive, sexy and safe. When you dedicate a space and a time for play with your person your love making turns towards excitement and builds anticipati­on.

Create boundaries around your love making temple and how you will create and treat this sacred space. Keep your sacred temple safe by agreeing that experience­s shared in the temple space are kept sacred by only sharing with your person.

Set aside time for yourself to self pleasure apart. Make this a ritual that you share. You can spice up your intimacy and build anticipati­on by sharing thoughts with each other about your individual alone time. Share what you have fantasised about during solo self pleasure and commit to shared pleasuring in your love temple together following your solo experience­s. This puts pleasure back on the menu at least three times a week.

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