Feminessence Magazine

Her father once told her that it was ‘vain’ to like fashion and clothes.


This stayed in her memory because it affected her on an emotional level. She suffered from depression for many years prior to making changes in her life, and she now knows that it was out of frustratio­n, and because she had not realised her purpose and her Y.

‘It has all been a learning curve and I am grateful for life’s lessons. Sometimes it’s good to pay attention to others and listen objectivel­y and with curiosity. I was at an event once having lunch. Someone asked me if I had always ‘been so ladylike’. This really surprised me as I had never really thought of myself as that. Up until a few years prior to that I would have thought it was not a good thing to be described as ladylike. I don’t know why.

Now I am so proud to be a woman, proud to be thought of as ‘ladylike’ and proud of my femininity! ’

Moana’s B Stunning online course draws on her own feminessen­ce and helps her clients discover theirs.

‘A woman has a particular essence which is unique to her. I believe that my ability to get to know my clients and use my skills to draw out their essence has been key in helping clients to feel special and proud of who they are. No two women are alike. I have been learning that intuition, empathy and taking the time to pay attention are key parts of my feminine side.’

‘After completing the Passion and Purpose® course and understand­ing masculine and feminine energies, I know the important part my “creative nurturer” archetype plays in my life and my business. All humans have a masculine side and a feminine side. Speaking is more of the masculine side and listening is part of the feminine side. We all know how important true listening is, not just hearing but really listening. Breathing in is feminine and breathing out is masculine. Breathing properly plays an important part in feeling the best you can in life.

Balanced breathing, which is something we do at the beginning of each mBIT coaching session can change how you feel straight away’, she explains.

And Moana has many happy clients. One woman recently told her, ‘I felt like a new woman after our morning together!’ An online course, style and colour client told her, ‘I understand myself so much more – why I am like I am. What a journey into my style personalit­y I have been on while doing these courses! Moana is a very gifted and talented lady who has an empathy and an innate gift for understand­ing women and their styling needs. I am humbled by her empathy towards me but excited to begin the next part of my journey.’

As a qualified Passion and Purpose® coach, an mBIT Coach and Loving Your Life facilitato­r, Moana is more than a ‘life coach’. She has refined her skills to tune into clients so that they can rediscover themselves and get to know themselves again to truly and deeply love their lives again.

She understand­s that it’s not necessary to act like a man to be successful in business.

Women, in fact, have many advantages – and they are just as powerful being themselves. Emotional intelligen­ce trumps IQ every time. The more women understand emotions and learn about themselves and others, the more of an asset they are to those around them. Women are naturally in tune with their emotions and, therefore, they have a powerful source and special strength to tap into. The symbol for iron is ‘Fe’ and women are a lot stronger than they give themselves credit for.

Moana may be soft and feminine but she is also strong and was once told that she has a ‘core of steel’.

It is a matter of women knowing and understand­ing themselves, their emotions and their strengths – and Moana is an expert at that.

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