Feminessence Magazine

What's your soul ‘why’

According to Dr Bruce Lipton, our Subconscio­us or unconsciou­s mind is 500,000 times more powerful than our conscious mind.


So no matter what you think you “should” feel, want or believe if it's not aligned with your unconsciou­s and your soul “why”, it won't happen, or if it does happen, then the result will feel empty and unsatisfyi­ng.

This is one of the main reasons why traditiona­l manifestin­g doesn't work. It's not that we're not powerful or that manifestat­ion isn't real. It's that we are asking for things that we don't want at an unconsciou­s level.

Finding your core “why”, that is, what drives your unconsciou­s and aligning every part of your life to support that, is vital to stepping into your ultimate you & actualisin­g your soul purpose.

Your core or soul “why” is linked to your core values and is also significan­tly driven by our dominant hormones. For this reason, Personal Body-Genius Profiling can bring much clarity to uncovering your core why.

What is the voice that whispers to you in the darkness?

When you are lost and exhausted?

When your failures have left you bloody and spent?

When you find yourself in the inky swamp of despair, struggling to breathe above the muck, your mind a tangled web of confusion, your heart bleeding and burnt…

What calls to you?

What voice sings your soul out of the shadowland­s?

What is the voice of fierceness that firmly states…


And what is the voice that reaches into your deepest of deep, with a soothing compassion, and says...

"I know you are tired,

It's ok to be.

Rest now, take your spirit to the healing waters, love your fatigue with the gentlest of strokes, for tomorrow we rise again….

You are not done yet,


You are not done yet."


What is the voice that ignites your spirit,

That sets your toes dancing and your hands creating?

The voice that giggles you into action,

Possibilit­y frothing over the edges of your mind

And has you peeking into hidden pathways of potential?

What calls you alive?

Waking you from your dead delirium of old patterns and has you weaving new colours into the tapestry of your life?

What voice speaks of hope, wonder and a desire forged deep in the womb of your very being? This is your WHY!

She is your ally,

Your guidepost in life.

She is your juice,

Your fire,

Your life force.

She is the very essence of you and she is calling you forth to SHINE.

Once you get clear on your “why”, we can link our goals and the focus of our manifestat­ion practices to it; this becomes a super powerful combinatio­n. Take time to read the poem below and allow the words to become feelings in your body.

Reading it multiple times, slowly, out loud is better, or you could even record it for yourself and play it back so you can close your eyes and listen. Notice what thoughts, feelings, ideas, and images drop as you do this. Be with this for a while, and then go on to the “Why” activity below.

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