

Turn your delicate tootsies into cannons of destructio­n with these simple exercises



Balance exercises help muscle strength and propriocep­tion, the brain’s ability to understand where our limbs are in space – here, the foot. Try to stand on one leg for 10-30 seconds. Then do it with your eyes closed. Start on a carpeted surface; as you get stronger, use a sofa cushion or an inflatable wobble mat.


“This exercises the anterior group muscles at the front of the leg – the muscles that, if over-used, can cause symptoms of shin splints,” says Johnson. Rest your back and bum against a wall, with your feet about one to one-and-a-half foot lengths out from the wall. Lift the toes of both feet towards your shins as hard as possible, pivoting off your heels, then lower your feet back to the ground. Do three sets of 15 reps.


“This strengthen­s the posterior group muscles at the back of the leg and foot,” says Johnson. Stand on tiptoes. Hold for five seconds, then lower to heels. Perform three sets of 10 reps.


“The invertors and evertors are the muscles that decelerate the foot and help the calf to lift the heel off the ground,” explains Johnson. In a seated position, wrap a resistance band or yellow Theraband around the foot and attach it to a chair leg. Push the foot towards the inside, against the resistance (to the left, see below). Use only the ankle and foot to do this, not the lower leg or knee. Slowly return to a neutral position and repeat. Perform 10 reps daily, increasing to 20 over a period of 2-3 weeks.


Using the same starting position, push the foot against the resistance of the band, this time towards the outside (to the right, see below). Again, use only the ankle and foot to perform this movement and not the lower leg or knee. Do 10 reps daily and gradually increase to 20 over 2-3 weeks.

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