

The French youngster is a cult hero at the Emirates thanks to his energetic midfield displays (not to mention his barnet...)

- James Maw has been with Fourfourtw­o since 2008 and deputy editor since 2018

When did you start growing your hair? I’ve had long hair since I was young. I have the same hair as my younger brother and my mother, although not my dad – he’s not got much now, so I hope to keep mine for longer than he did! As for the comparison­s with David Luiz, he’s a really good player, so I’m happy with it. [FFT: Whose hair is best?] I reckon mine is the best in the Premier League. Who has the worst? Marouane Fellaini, though he’s gone now. It’s like a bad version of mine. [Laughs] How would you sum up your first season? I’m very happy. The day I signed for Arsenal was the greatest day of my career, and it’s fantastic to have played as much in my first season as I have. I’ve made a lot of progress and added a lot to the team. But the most important thing is to win trophies and get back into the Champions League. Everybody at the club knows that Arsenal need to be in the Champions League every year. To play in it is a dream for any young player – it’s the best club competitio­n out there – and to do it would be a reward for all the hard work I’ve put in. I’m a massive football fan, and when I was younger I used to watch virtually every Champions League game on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, even the mediocre ones. Did you expect to become a first-team regular so quickly, having arrived at 19? As soon as I signed for Arsenal, I knew that I’d have a chance to get a decent amount of playing time in the first team. I wouldn’t have had that confidence had I signed for another club. The management here said I’d get the chance but I didn’t know I’d play as much as I have. I knew I could win the confidence of my coach and team-mates by working hard. Are you and Lucas Torreira the future of the Arsenal midfield? It’s a great partnershi­p... He’s a very, very good player, who has a lot of qualities. He gives everything for the team. He is great at winning the ball back and playing it simple. He has helped us and improved the team a lot. I love playing alongside him and he’s young, like me, so we have many, many years ahead of us. Obviously, as young players we represent the future of the club. I would like to make a real mark on Arsenal’s history, and I think the same goes for Lucas as well.

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