


STORY OF THE DAY Though they’re gagging to get at England, Scotland must first face the tournament favourites at Villa Park. In truth, while Guus Hiddink’s side enjoy almost all of the possession they are ominously incohesive, reflecting what turns out to be a deep divide in the Dutch ranks. But Craig Brown’s team do show organisati­onal resilience and spirit ahead of the Battle of Britain.

On Monday evening, the North East gets its first taste of the action. USA 94 entertaine­rs Romania start well at St James’ Park but then conspire to gift France the winner. Gheorghe Mihali inexplicab­ly presents the ball to Youri Djorkaeff, whose cross just about bounces in off the top of Christophe Dugarry’s bonce while keeper Bogdan Stelea is somewhere nearby asking for directions back to his goalmouth. THE GOOD Villa Park’s atmosphere is superb. As ever, the Dutch bring orange-clad hordes in their tens of thousands, all clog-hats and trumpets, benignly battling with the bagpipes and saltires of their Caledonian counterpar­ts. It’s the Scots who roar loudest at the final whistle, however, in recognitio­n of a resolute rearguard action from their side.

THE BAD This double bill of games to start the working week is markedly less goaltastic than Sunday’s triple-header. Dugarry’s rather Third Division effort is the only strike, thanks to a second-gear France holding off a largely disappoint­ing Romania and the Dutch failing to break through that tartan wall.

THEY SAID WHAT?! “I’m starting to believe in voodoo dolls” – maintainin­g his fitness with a solo jog through woods, England’s reserve central defender, Steve Howey, injures ankle ligaments after tripping on a hole. He spends 15 minutes in a bed of nettles until a passing couple discover him suffering.

THE MEDIA ‘Zola aiming for the perfect 10’ – The Independen­t sit down with the pint-sized Italian star and ask him about the pressure of inheriting Roberto Baggio’s shirt.

IN OTHER NEWS... Peace talks commence in Northern Ireland, albeit without Sinn Fein.

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