
get to know harriett allcroft


How did you get into jazz? I studied jazz for a year straight out of school. I kind of liked it, but I also really liked pop music, and at the time, it felt as if the two couldn’t coexist. I faffed about for a year until I decided to move to Melbourne and study a contempora­ry music degree. I chose jazz as my focus subject after my teacher suggested it, and I'm so glad, because now I love it. What’s one myth about jazz you’d like to bust? That you have to be cool or clever. Really, you just have to sing and write with honesty. And use your ears a lot. Also, you definitely don't have to smoke. Top thing on your bucket list? I’d like to learn an impressive dance routine to whip out at parties. I’d also like to sing my songs with a symphony orchestra. What do you do when you need to take a breather? I love to walk-run – when I say I'm going for a run, but walk most of the way. How do you look after your voice? I love a good siren. (Say ‘ng’, as in ring. Now, slide your voice up and down on that sound. Look at you, you're sirening!) Also, a ton of water, not a lot of yelling, and a nice steamy shower. Favourite way to keep warm during winter? Never get out of your pyjamas. Or, if you absolutely have to, wear fancy trackies that pass as trendy pants.

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