



Crochet reminds me very much of my nan, who just turned 98. When I crochet things, I feel a sort of invisible thread linking me to her, and I’d like to think this is just the sort of thing she’d like to make. I’ve created a crocheted granny square Christmas stocking that’s cosy-looking and nostalgic. I love making granny squares, because they bring colour together in unexpected ways. This time, I used very bright yarn – I’m a sucker for neon – and my trusty crochet hook. I also made some pom poms to fancy things up in an even woollier way. The trickiest bit was stopping my dogs from running away with the yarn! They love making giant spider webs across the living room with forgotten skeins. When it comes to festive decorating in my home, I tend to buy new ornaments each year from David Jones – those pretty glass ones, usually. I have them in all different shapes, from little bunnies to wee bottles of gin, sparkly fish and cute crabs. I want to have a huge collection by the time I’m 98! As for what I’d like to find in my stocking this Christmas? The new Nick Cave album, Ghosteen, on vinyl. (Though it would be hard to squeeze it in, I admit. I’ll need to make a much fatter stocking!)

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