
Dear frankie



Dearest frankie, James Colley’s article “Meaningful Mumbles” really struck a chord with me, as I too am a mumbler. Not just any mumbler, though – a cruel mumbler. It’s so true that I say things to myself that I’d never say to another person; we are our own harshest critics. I didn’t even realise I was doing it until recently: after years of living alone, it was only when my partner moved in with me and pointed out that all the horrible things I say to myself under my breath aren’t true. Now, when a negative mumble slips out, I’ve made a conscious effort to follow it with a positive affirmatio­n afterwards – but much louder! I’m seeing the benefits, and eventually I might even stop with the mumbles in the first place and just start professing the positivity! Holly x

Dear frankie, I first started noticing your beautiful covers when I was six. And from then, I pointed them out to my mum every time there was a new edition in the window of the newsagent. I could tell this was a magazine built for creative and curious people. I first built up the courage to buy one when I was 10 – I was so excited! I’ve been reading your magazines for two years and I live for the photograph­y and collages. It feels like every writer and creator featured is my friend, and I can’t thank you enough for that. Anoushka xx

Dear frankie, I loved Eleanor Robertson’s pitch for a TV show… Smooch the Mayor! If it weren’t so funny I’d be crying. I do think, though, the contestant­s needed an extra level of difficulty to achieve success by having to endure unsolicite­d sexual advances and comments at each level. Always love your writing, Eleanor! Thanks, Yvette

Hi frankie, I only recently discovered your magazines while doing art therapy on a mental health ward. I can definitely say the road test section and frank bits get me every time, bringing a smile to my dial. Fraser Harvey’s suggestion of someone bringing me a hot water bottle every hour sounds like a cure for one of my many problems. I love your quick wit and sarcasm – it speaks to me on a spiritual level and reminds me us Aussies and Kiwis have prime senses of humour. Love, Moni

Dear frankie, I recently flew to my hometown on a small plane that holds exactly 18 passengers, to paint my parents’ brand-new, properly renovated bathroom (it’s a big deal – they have a toilet inside the house for the first time in 41 years. 41 years!). I took a book, but felt like reading you instead. To my delight, you’d written about books! It was wonderful reading about some of our Aussie authors and their experience­s as writers while sitting above the clouds. It was just what I needed. Thank you. (PS The bathroom now looks amazing, but we still found ourselves forgetting there was a toilet inside.) Love, Chloe

Dear frankie, On a cold, rainy and lockdown-y day in Melbourne, issue 102 being delivered was the perfect retreat. I’ve been staying busy during lockdown, scared of what will happen to my mental

health if I don’t. But today, I’ve sat down with the latest issue and it’s exactly what I needed! Thank you for being the much-needed

distractio­n. Sammy xx

Dear frankie, I just finished reading the piece from Ashkan Mehrnejad about how his journey to Australia was not an easy one. He gave me a perspectiv­e on internatio­nal students that I haven’t had before. His story touched me; his struggles were real and his strength enduring. Welcome to our land, Ashkan – some day we might meet or pass each other on the street with a smile. You matter to me, and your courage is honourable. You are now my lifelong friend, too. Thanks to Emma Do for telling his story. Love, Moira

Hey, Sam Prendergas­t! Your story “A Poor Relation” reminded me of an experience I had a few years ago. I went to a suburban restaurant with my brother when my family was imploding. I’d just left my husband and had my two children. He’d just left his wife and took his two children and his new partner Greg, 20 years his junior. As we were leaving, I overheard some diners discussing us. The general gist was that they were so pleased to see a “large, old-fashioned family”: mum, dad and the five kids. If only they knew! From, Suzie

Dear frankie, On a wet, windy Monday morning, I was feeling very isolated. I looked forward to getting my latest issue. Absolutely loved the article on umbrellas – it was brilliant. You always champion imaginativ­e, quirky writing. Waiting for my next issue is like waiting for my next email or letter from a friend. During this pandemic, many of us have felt disconnect­ed – that’s why your issues are so important. Creative people do not get the attention of sports stars, so they need mediums like your magazine to showcase their talents. When writing is clever, it does indeed connect its readers. To be frank, frankie is worthy of bookshelf status. Thank you, you’re a true friend! Love, Linda


Dear frankie, I pulled your 102nd issue out of the letterbox today and spent the whole afternoon by my fire being sparked by your awesomenes­s, as always. The “Big Hair, Don’t Care” article really got me. As a mixed-race, Australian-born woman with African, Kiwi and English heritage, my hair is very ‘frizzy’. I love it now, being in my 30s, but growing up, I struggled. I wore it in dreadlocks from age 18 to 28 just because I couldn’t ever trust a hairdresse­r. I was nodding so much reading the article that it put knots in my hair! Ella Benore

Rowe, you are a total legend. I too am a youth worker, and had a special moment with a 12-year-old girl last week where we set

goals around increasing her confidence. One of them was for her to be able to wear her kinky curls out without feeling anxious – I’m going to cut this article out and pass it on to her! PS – the struggle is real: I drive 300km to get my hair cut by my one and only trusted hairdresse­r. Chloe x

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