
A chat about cassie byrnes x uniqlo


Who are you and what do you do? I’m a textile designer born and raised in sunny North Queensland. I worked as an interior designer before moving to Melbourne in 2012 to pursue textiles. At the time, I was really into vintage fashion, and I got very curious about prints and how repeat patterns worked – in particular, I had a weird obsession with ’80s dresses. After a quick google, I found out this was an actual career. How would you describe your approach to textile design? Well-planned spontaneit­y. I always start with a considered colour palette and story, allowing me to design freely and play with mark-making, texture and compositio­n. The creative process is about capturing the essence and spirit of the theme I’m working to, rather than a literal interpreta­tion. How did your collaborat­ion with

UNIQLO come about? It started with a little email that dropped into my inbox at the start of 2020 – as a global release, this collection would become one of the biggest projects I’d ever worked on. Being the first Australian UT (UNIQLO t-shirt) collaborat­or has been an absolute honour and the highlight of my career. Can you talk us

through some of the items in the collection? It’s a bright and bold high-summer collection that’s available on dresses, printed tees and 3/4 pants. It includes some of my favourite prints, as well as some new ones created specifical­ly for this collaborat­ion. A special mention has to go to the two mum-and-daughter matching looks that I’m definitely going to be rocking this summer with my little bean. Who is your personal fashion inspiratio­n? One of the big inspiratio­ns that started my journey into textile design was learning about the Women of the Bauhaus movement. I was in awe of how hard they had to fight as women to study back in the early 1900s, and how they ended up revolution­ising woven art and tapestry weaving. And of course, the Australian queens of textiles, Jenny Kee and Linda Jackson.

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