
This or that with… eliza klatt from eliza & the delusional­s


Modern technology or caveman era? Modern technology for sure. Even though I’m constantly getting headaches from it not working, I was super-thankful for it in 2020.

Day or night? Night! I feel really inspired to be creative at night, though I’m not sure why. Getting into bed is usually my favourite part of the day. Childhood or adulthood? Childhood. Life seemed a lot more fun and simple back then, but maybe that’s only in hindsight. I feel really inspired by nostalgia, which I think comes through in our music and visuals. Intimate crowds or festivals? Festivals. I’ve missed them very much, and it’s such a special vibe, whether you’re on stage or in the crowd. Some of my favourite and most inspiring shows have been festival sets! Songs that make you dance or songs that make you cry? I feel like there aren’t as many songs out there that make me cry at first listen, so when that happens, I feel really connected to it.

Bottling it up or cracking the shits? Cracking the shits after bottling it up for too long. It’s not a good habit, but I feel like I have weekly outbursts due to everything accumulati­ng instead of just speaking up when something is upsetting me.

Home or away? I love being at home – it’s super-comforting and I do get homesick when I go away – but I think I’ll always prefer travelling and experienci­ng new things. Music – job or way of life? Way of life. Writing songs and creating music is part of who I am. It’s something I’ll always do no matter what. It’s just a lucky bonus if you get to do it for a job!

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