
My brain is telling me to be cool.


But let’s be real, being chill is overrated. This is my first issue as editor, and, look, I’m pretty damn psyched about it. It feels like just yesterday that I was hogging the stack of frankie mags at my local library, poring over every word and picture inside. If you had told 15-year-old me that I’d one day be editing those very pages, I would have waved you off.

I want to thank frankie’s top-notch former editors, Sophie Kalagas and Jo Walker, for showing me the ropes these past three years.

I’ll admit, sitting in the big chair is daunting. But as the folks in this issue demonstrat­e, it pays to chase what you love and give it a red-hot go, whether you’re turning a vending machine into a creative business (page 32), holding power to account while flipping off social hierarchie­s (page 26) or making good stuff that can change your part of the world (page 78).

I’m excited to continue serving up stories that make you chuckle, ponder and occasional­ly rage against the system. I feel so lucky to be working for a smart and caring community of frankie readers, and if you ever need me, you’ll find me at­

Speak soon, X Emma

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