Future Music

Room Analysis And Correction Using Reference 3

DSP-based room treatment tech has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years...


01 > We’ll use Sonarworks Reference 3 alongside a test microphone to analyse our project studio’s acoustic properties before correcting for them using the included DSP plug-in. We set our test microphone up in the listening position facing the monitors at around ear height.

02 > Connect the mic to the interface with phantom power enabled. Next, we’ll load the software and click Begin Analysis before selecting the Reference Grade mic calibratio­n profile. After this, you’ll need to select and verify the input channel for the test mic – we’re on channel 1.

03 > We’ll select the output device we’re using before playing the test track provided and adjusting the volume until the dialogue is at conversati­on level. Now, we’ll adjust the microphone’s sensitivit­y – if your levels are out, the software will tell you how they need to be adjusted.

04 > Next measure the distance between speakers. Reference 3 will ask you to place the test mic no more than 15cm from the left speaker’s mid-range driver before running a test; then it repeats for the right speaker. Then click Next.

05 > We can double-check that the software’s measured distance between the left and right speaker’s mid driver is correct by using a measuring tape; if not, you can manually enter the correct figure. After this, we’ll centre the listening spot before entering the measuremen­t phase.

06 > You’ll be asked to place the mic around the room in 24 different test positions; the onscreen display will show you where the mic is in relation to the monitors. You can save the data for use with Reference 3’s VST plug-in.

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