Future Music

How can I make a good YouTube music performanc­e video?


Video might have killed the radio star, but it’s been a godsend for many musicians. The likes of Justin Bieber and Shawn Mendes both got their starts on YouTube while, more pertinentl­y, French producer Madeon rose to prominence after his Novation Launchpad-powered Pop Culture mash-up went viral in 2011.

In short, having a ‘hit’ on YouTube can give your profile a massive boost, but raking in the views is by no means easy. Thousands of ‘performanc­e’ videos are uploaded every day, so how do you stand out from the crowd?

Firstly – and this may sound obvious – you need to make sure that your actual performanc­e, whatever it is, is good. If you’re filming a synth jam, for example, get it as tight as possible, and capture multiple takes until you get one that’s spot on. You

may have loved losing yourself in that two-hour improvisat­ional workout, but something shorter and more focused is a far better bet if you want to grab and keep people’s attention.

Bear in mind too that, if you’re an unknown, you’ve probably got a better chance of getting seen if your material is familiar, so consider posting a cover, live remix or mash-up (see Madeon again). It’s often the unusual treatments of well-known songs that get the most views and – just as importantl­y – shares. There’s always a chance that the copyright owner will ask you to take the video down, but if your goal is to get noticed, by the time that happens the job might already have been done.

Also, think about your production values. Noisy, badly shot videos just don’t cut it anymore, and are likely to attract nothing more than derision. Make sure your audio is well-mixed and of high-quality, and get your camera angle(s) right.

Finally, you need to be prepared for the fact that, no matter how good your video is, you’re probably going to get some negative comments, particular­ly if your view count starts mounting. Talent is one thing, but having a thick skin and faith in your ability is just as important.

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