Future Music

Modular Monthly

Qu-Bit Electronix Chance


Qu-Bit made a splash on the Eurorack scene back in 2013 with the granular sampler Nebulae, before going on to release a series of FX, modulation and control modules. Our personal favourite from Qu-Bit was the Nano Rand, which offered four switchable random algorithms and random gates that were always musical derivative­s of the internal (or external) clock. It was fantastic for ‘musically random’ CV and gate signals, so we were delighted when we saw Chance enter the new Qu-Bit product line up.

Chance is a one stop shop for random signals with noise sources, musically changing rhythms, random bursts, smooth or discrete stepped random and a random wavetable LFO that randomly shifts waveshape and LFO rate – ace! The Qu-Bit website states that “Chance is a unique modulation source that uses chance operations and musical voltages. Inspired by John Cage’s use of the Chinese divination text, I Ching, Chance generates random voltages in response to a digital generated coin toss.” But if all that sounds a bit too experiment­al for your tastes, rest assured Chance still offers lots for you too.

Think about a drummer playing a hi-hat – however hard they try they cannot play the cymbals exactly the same each time, nor could a guitarist pluck a string in the exact same place with the exact same picking angle and velocity. Adding some subtle changes to our patches can add more organic, lifelike and all-round more human musical result.

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