Future Music

Musyng Kite Standard Drums


Unlike other free drum kits in this round-up, Musyng Kite manages to map its drums and cymbals to the correct notes, and outputs to a single stereo channel right out of the box (multi output isn’t actually possible here). You also get ADSR settings for your drums (globally), which affords some quite creative options – although not ones you’re likely to really use. There’s also global volume control and global (for some reason) panning over the whole instrument.

So how are the sounds? Most of the drum kit seems to have been played using rods, and there’s a hugely varied selection on offer, even reaching up the keyboard into cowbell, timbale, and assorted other FX over a couple of octaves.

However, the sound quality is absolutely pants, phasey as a David Bowie hairstyle manual, and riddled with electrical hum. Oh dear. bdmusiccom.blogspot.com VERDICT 3.4

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