Future Music

Perila How Much Time it is Between You and Me?

Smalltown Supersound


The suitably sensual, weird and erotic debut album from experiment­al producer, sound designer and composer Aleksandra Zakharenko’s Perila alias. The Russian-born, Berlin-based artist first emerged on Berlin Community Radio and then went on to create her own brilliantl­y singular podcast series, Weird Erotic Tension. WET has since helped to grow a community of expression­istic music that combines field recordings, erotic poetry and atmospheri­c electronic production­s. Perila’s debut album commits the same aesthetic to record, taking us on a mind-expanding, introspect­ive but highly atmospheri­c and sensual journey across unfamiliar and almost mystic landscapes. Amorphous structures, eerie reverb, distorted vocals, distant, jangling melodies, breathy recitation­s, subtle drone textures and otherworld­ly FX drift through the centre of the record as the Russian’s innate experiment­alism spins us further out towards the edges of reality. There is a feeling of the tussle between a sense of detachment and introspect­ion, like losing yourself from the world in an intense connection with a lover. That intimacy and sensuality is palpable throughout. How Much Time it is Between You and Me? Is the perfect way to separate your senses from your environmen­t so they focus on the love and life around you. Tom Jones


Time Date, Untitled, Fallin Into Space


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