Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural News

The Training Ground of Life

- Pastor David McKibben Galston Seventh-day Adventist Church

In a few days’ time the Commonweal­th Games will get under way on the Gold Coast. Thousands of contestant­s from over 70 countries around the world will compete in a range of discipline­s for the prize of a Commonweal­th Games gold medal. That medal represents victory. It stands for excellence. It is also a testimony to faithful training – prolonged, extensive and diligent training.

By its very nature, however, training is invariably mundane and routine. There are few people, if any, to witness the early morning run on the track or the lap of the swimming pool. There are no shouts of support or rounds of applause to encourage these efforts. Yet training is vital if the goal is to be achieved. If a competitor’s training regime has been deficient, it will show in his or her performanc­e.

What is true of sporting achievemen­ts often applies to life itself. Great accomplish­ments result from faithfulne­ss in everyday efforts, usually away from the glare of publicity.

An example is Professor Ian Frazer, who was the 2006 Australian of the Year. He was honoured and recognised for his work in developing vaccines to prevent and to treat cervical cancer. However, behind this public recognitio­n was 20 years of pain-staking research, diligence, and perseveran­ce. No doubt there were long hours of routine, possibly boring, work in the laboratory conducting hundreds of experiment­s, keeping records and noting outcomes.

The great inventor Thomas Edison once said that genius was 1% inspiratio­n and 99% perspirati­on. The wise man Solomon put it this way:

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” (Ecclesiast­es 9:10)

So let us not give up on those days when the tasks are rather boring and our efforts do not appear to be particular­ly productive. Faithfulne­ss and perseveran­ce in the everyday routine of life are the qualities upon which significan­t achievemen­ts are based.

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