Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural News

Galston Uniting Church


Thanks for stepping up ....

During May and June, our minister Geoff has been taking a wellearned break. So that our services could continue, as usual, some faithful people were approached to lead our worship. To step out of your comfort zone and into a pulpit is not for the faint-hearted. And so, to Duncan and Kate McLean, Pr. Corrie Byrne and Rev Geoff Stevenson, we say thank you for leading our worship while Geoff was away. Each brought their unique skills and personalit­ies to the task, which made each one memorable. Kate and Duncan are members of our congregati­on. Kate is a high school teacher of Aboriginal Studies. In what was National Reconcilia­tion Week, Kate brought her passion for reconcilia­tion with First Nations people to draw comparison­s with Nicodemus in John 3, pointing out how Jesus challenged Nicodemus to change direction, as we all must to achieve reconcilia­tion in Australia.

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Jesus called together his disciples prior to his ascension, it was a bit like a Poirot climax!)

When pentecosta­l Pastor Corrie Byrne led worship, it was Pentecost Sunday! In addition to leading worship, he brought some of his congregati­on with him, and we enjoyed a great time with them later over a cuppa.

Rev Geoff Stevenson is our Presbytery Chairperso­n and a great support to our church. It is always a joy when he comes to visit, and we thank him for a most uplifting service.

Church services continue in the church at 10 am on Sundays, and you can also watch our live ĴļİÕ²ČĴʣ §ĔŁ ˲č ţčÑ ;²ĆĴļĔč čõļõčë ñŁİËñ Ĕč :²ËÕÊĔĔă ʰÑĔčʿļ êĔİëÕļ ļĔ ʾĆõăÕʿ ŁĴʱ Ĕİ ʼ;ĔĔëĆÕʽ ;²ĆĴļĔč čõļõčë ñŁİËñ :²ËÕÊĔĔă posts.

If you, or someone you know, needs assistance or just someone to chat to, please do not hesitate to get in touch. The church ĔêţËÕ õĴ ĔĭÕč Ĕč ‹ŁÕĴѲŘĴ ²čÑ :İõѲŘĴʣ



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