Galston, Glenorie and Hills Rural News

Galston Seventh Day Adventist Church


March? How is it already here? I don’t know if you can relate - but the beginning of this year has been non stop. After so many months in lock down last year, I feel like we are all playing catch up. If you are anything like me, then you might feel like all the goals and resolution­s that we thought of back in January have somehow evaporated, or at least have been put aside.

Often our dreams for the new year are driven by deeper values we MTQI RTWJ FI[JSYZWJ RTWJ KFRNQ^ YNRJ YT LJY ܪY ^TZ SFRJ NY 9MJXJ LTFQX FWJ GFXJI TS \MT \J \FSY YT GJ \MT \J \NXM \J HTZQI ܪSFQQ^ be. And naturally over time these hopes change and our idea of who we wish to be changes too. Being a father has changed my ideals for sure!

Who are you hoping to be? And if you achieved that goal.. would your family be better off for the change? Would the world be better off? Sometimes the answer is yes.. other times.. maybe no. You see, ,TI FQXT MFX MTUJX KTW \MT ^TZ \TZQI ܪSFQQ^ GJ -J QTTPX FY ^TZ right now, and can see all your hopes, your regrets, your past, and all the incredible potential for your future. And not only does He see it, but He is able to help you reach it. The Bible says:


“They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future FSI F MTUJ ѧ /JWJRNFM

We have our plans, and we can try hard. We can focus, but it’s all on us. The success of the plan rides on you. But with God’s plan, it’s a team effort. Someone said it this way:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understand­ing, in all your ways acknowledg­e Him, and He will guide you TS YMJ GJXY UFYM KTW ^TZW QNKJ 5WT[JWGX

I mean, best path? Future? Hope? Sounds good to me.

Pr Nicholas Kross 0423 107 766

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