Gardening Australia

Do it now


Recycle your discarded cut Christmas tree by ‘planting’ it in the garden and using it as a support for a bird feeder

Pinch back pelargoniu­ms, and inspect them for fungal diseases, such as rust

Start building up and preparing beds for autumn bulb plantings

Sow seeds of winter- and springflow­ering annuals, such as poppies and pansies, into pots and place in a cool spot

Install a fountain (left); the sound of running water can help you feel cooler on hot summer days

Pull out weeds, remove and bin any flowers and seeds, and throw the weed bodies into the compost

Add a touch of purple to the garden by planting maroon-leafed forms of berberis, smoke bush or Chinese fringe flower (Loropetalu­m chinense)

Mist-spray any plants located on verandahs and porches to keep up their humidity levels on scorching hot days

Trim fuchsias lightly, saving some of the pieces for propagatin­g new plants

Check and adjust water timers (below) to suit the weather and temperatur­e

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