Gardening Australia

How to make a BANANA CIRCLE


A banana circle is an easy way to grow bananas using less water and nutrients. PHIL DUDMAN explains what it is and how to create one.

The concept of a banana circle comes from the permacultu­re (permanent agricultur­e) movement. It’s a simple design idea that serves multiple functions: food production, water conservati­on and a place to compost organic waste materials that will, in turn, feed the surroundin­g plants.

The basis of the design is a circular swale or mound. The soil used to build the mound is excavated from the centre of the circle, which creates a large pit. The mounded soil provides a deep layer of well-drained topsoil in which bananas and other plants thrive, while the pit becomes a place to toss in and contain grass clippings, prunings and other garden waste. The central pit is also the main spot to water the plants, and there’s no run-off. The water soaks deep into the soil, supplying moisture to plant roots via capillary action. Every time you apply water, you moisten the compost materials while flushing through a nutrient-rich and microbe-rich solution for all the surroundin­g plants to enjoy.

1. MARK out a circle about 2m wide.

Dig the hole in a concave (dish) shape about ½–1m deep. As you go, mound the excavated soil around the edge of the hole. 2. COVER the mounded soil with wet cardboard or overlappin­g newspaper

(eight sheets thick). This will smother any grass and weeds in the soil and stop them shooting. Top this with a 5cm layer of compost and 5cm layer of organic mulch. 3. FILL the pit with compostabl­e material – grass clippings, dried leaves, woody prunings, straw – in layers, sprinkling some manure and organic fertiliser, and watering the layers as you go, as you would when making a compost heap.

4. PLANT three banana plants evenly spaced around the mound, cutting a hole in the cardboard layer to access the soil below. You could plant a pawpaw in the gap between the bananas, and underplant with ginger, turmeric and lemongrass, as well as sweet potato, to provide both additional food and groundcove­r.

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