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Evans is true champ

Hamilton says Cadel beyond reproach


CADEL Evans is a true champion whose 2011 Tour de France triumph should not be tarnished by the doping revelation­s that have rocked cycling, former pro cyclist Tyler Hamilton says.

Hamilton, among 11 teammates whose testimony led to a life ban imposed on seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, said yesterday his era, the decade from the mid-1990s, was rife with doping.

But despite the American’s belief that there are ‘‘still a lot of bad apples’’ in the sport, he says Evans’ victory is beyond question.

‘‘I think you have to question some of the results of the past (but) I don’t think you have to question Cadel Evans’ result from last year’s Tour de France,’’ Hamilton told Channel 9’s Weekend Today.

‘‘ From what I’ve heard about Cadel Evans, he’s a true champion.

‘‘He’s always been a big anti-doping advocate.

‘‘I can’t say anything negative about Cadel Evans. I’ve a lot of respect for Cadel Evans.’’

Evans’ proud mother Helen Cocks said her son was an ethical man whose win would not be tarnished by drug cheats.

Ms Cocks said revelation­s about rampant drug use by Armstrong and other cyclists only emphasised the i mportance o f Evans’ achievemen­ts.

She said the scandal would not put Evans off riding and he would probably compete in one more Tour before retiring.

‘‘Those sorts of accusation­s have always been made about any athletes that perform well in any sport,’’ Ms Cocks said.

‘‘ Unfortunat­ely, it’s the ugly downside to every sport that some people will do the wrong thing. If anything, all this demonstrat­es how good (Evans) really is. Cadel is an ethical man. He has always been his own man.’’

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