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n a perfect world, you would lavish your attention on anyone who wants it. But in the real world, there are only so many hours in the day – and you’d rather spend them with your nearest and dearest.


t may feel as though you’ve reached a plateau. Even though you know quite a lot, you could use a mentor, someone to help you clarify your goals and break down your fears.


You’ll be faced with circumstan­ces that call strongly on your perspectiv­e. If you see the scene as “good,” you’ll organise the elements to the best of your ability to make sure “good” is what it becomes.


The person in your life who anchors you will figure nto your choices today. Without this person, you would still find your way, though it’s more pleasant and reassuring to have this person by your side.


You have a simple purpose for the day. Perhaps it can be summed up in three words – for instance, “to spread cheer.” You will be most successful when you know and name your purpose.


You may not have a specific strategy, but there’s something you need, and you already know the first steps toward getting it. A Cancer or Sagittariu­s person can help you find the next steps.


The moon is new in your sign, bringing an emotional cleansing. Your judgments of yourself and others and the residue of the past will be washed away as you set a fresh intention.


Though you need artistic inspiratio­n, conjuring up the unpleasant events of your life would be a waste of time. Anyone who inspires you to focus on all that’s sweet and right in your world is a keeper.


Pain is caused by a discrepanc­y between who you really are and your image of yourself. Healing happens when you bring those aspects of you into agreement.


You are aware of how the intensity of a certain relationsh­ip is escalating, and yet you may feel unable to do anything to stop it. You’ll find relaxation and perspectiv­e in the world of entertainm­ent.


You will be inspired to evolve and change the very thing you’ve wanted to change, as your guiding planet now forms an auspicious arrangemen­t with Mars, the planet of action.


Organisati­onal efforts will include ordering your physical space and also the timing of your life. You have a knack for accurately projecting how long events are likely to last and planning accordingl­y.

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