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Jihadi John identified

- AP

THE world knows him as “Jihad John”, the masked, knife-wielding militant in videos showing Western hostages being beheaded by the Islamic State group.

Yesterday he was identified as a London-raised university graduate known to British intelligen­ce for more than five years.

The British-accented militant from the chilling videos is Mohammed Emwazi, in his mid-20s, born in Kuwait and raised in a modest, mixed-income area of west London.

He was nicknamed “Jihadi John” after Beatle John Lennon, due to his British accent.

British anti-terror officials wouldn’t confirm the man’s identity, citing a “live counterter­rorism investigat­ion”. But a well-placed Western official confirmed he was Emwazi.

One man who knew Emwazi portrayed him as compassion­ate, a descriptio­n at odds with the cruelty attributed to him.

“The Mohammed that I knew was extremely kind, extremely gentle, extremely softspoken, was the most humble young person that I knew,” said Asim Qureshi, of CAGE, a London-based advocacy group that counsels Muslims in conflict with British intelligen­ce.

Mr Qureshi noted similariti­es between the man in the IS beheading videos and Emwazi, who he first met in 2009.

But, “I can’t be 100 per cent certain”, he said. “The guy’s got a hood on his head.”

Asked whether it would be a help or would hurt to have the jihadi publicly identified, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said investigat­ors over recent months “have found it to their advantage to not talk publicly about the details or progress of that investigat­ion”.

The Centre for the Study of Radicalisa­tion and Political Violence at King’s College London, which tracks fighters in Syria, said it believed the identifica­tion was correct.

“Jihadi John” appeared in a video released in August showing the slaying of US journalist James Foley.

A man with similar stature and voice also featured in videos of the killings of US journalist Steven Sotloff, Britons David Haines and Alan Hemming, and US aid worker Abdul-Rahman Kassig.

The Washington Post and BBC said Emwazi studied computer programmin­g at the University of Westminste­r.

“If these allegation­s are true, we are shocked and sickened by the news,” a university spokesman said.

Reports said Emwazi was known to British authoritie­s before travelling to Syria in 2012, and Mr Qureshi said Emwazi accused British intelligen­ce agents of harassing him.

The daughter of British aid worker Haines said identifyin­g the masked man was “a good step”.

“But I think all the families will feel closure and relief once there’s a bullet between his eyes,” Bethany Haines said.

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