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Elderly couple terrified as man tries to kick down their door


A DRUNKEN thug, who terrorised an elderly couple in their Belmont home on Sunday, has been released back into the community less than 24 hours after the attack.

Geelong Magistrate­s’ Court was told the victims, a couple in their late 80s, were at home about 6.30pm on March 1, when Christophe­r Steel began kicking violently at their front door.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Glenn Abbott said the elderly man looked out the window and Steel saw him, but continued kicking at the door trying to get in.

“The repeated kicking caused large cracks around the door’s locking mechanism and terrified the couple inside,” Sgt Abbott said.

“Steel fled but was arrested nearby.

“When asked what he would have done to the occupants had he managed to get inside, Steel told police, ‘I would have skull-f----d them’.”

Sgt Abbott said the couple were so traumatise­d that the woman was taken to hospital to be treated for shock.

“The victim is now out of hospital but remains in shock,” he said.

Steel, 29, formerly of Ontario Ave, Corio, pleaded guilty to charges of trespassin­g and criminal damage.

Shane Balkin, for Steel, said his client had been drinking heavily, was homeless and simply wanted somewhere to sleep.

“He denies using the words, ‘skull-f----d’,’’ Mr Balkin said.

“He was released from jail in December 2014 and has been pretty well homeless since getting out.”

Mr Balkin said Steel had priors for shopliftin­g and assault but none for burglary.

“He is on a disability pension, has breached community correction orders in the past but can pay a fine,” the lawyer said.

Magistrate John Lesser said alcohol had clearly played a part in Steel’s offending.

“I take into account your plea of guilty, that you have no priors for burglary and have spent overnight in custody,” he said.

Steel was convicted and fined $1000, which he agreed to pay off at $50 per month.

He was also ordered to pay $200 restitutio­n.

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