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Immunity’s a choice

Kids will be turned away from childcare centres next year if their immunisati­ons are not up to date.


Some children have a reason why they can’t have all their shots. For example, I had an allergic reaction to the whooping cough shot and therefore didn’t get the boosters. But if everyone else around me is immunised it’s fine. Sarah Hathway

People no longer contract polio in this country. Why? Vaccinatio­n, that’s why. Shirlene Hardman

Great! As an educator and parent it’s important to me. Heidi Cherry

Finally! Free choice? It’s not OK that your free choice may make my children sick and die. Simple. If your choice is not vaccinatin­g your child, don’t let your child near the ones that are protected. Lauren Fraser

Great idea! It’s your choice whether you immunise your children or not, but if you choose not to then keep them away from other kids. Hayley Jane

If parents don’t want to vaccinate their kids, that’s fine, that’s your choice. It is the choice of the other parents at the school/childcare centre to exclude your child. You can home school your children. Ben Kent

Excellent idea. Should be the same for kinder and school. Melissa Loughnane

I think the only exception to this should be if the child can’t be immunised due to medical problems, not because mum and dad don’t want to. Lauren Parmenter

If the parents choose not to immunise, then it’s their choice, but don’t grumble when you can’t be included. Why put all others at risk because of your choice? Michelle McMillan

I understand their thinking, but the vaccine protocol is what needs the overhaul. Make vaccines safe and single strain shots and mothers may have more confidence in their safety. The educated know full well how dangerous current vaccines are. Lydia Amesha Govelli

You don’t want to get your child immunised? Fine, keep them away from everyone else who does the right thing. Heidi Jeltes

I believe children should be vaccinated to attend preschool/daycare/kinder unless they have a valid reason, such as allergic reaction or other that needs to be signed off by a medical profession­al. Stephanie Henriksen

Anyone with a shred of common sense gets their kids vaccinated. There are risks on both sides, but vaccinated definitely outweighs unvaccinat­ed. Kate Slater

I remember when my kids were little their immunisati­ons had to be up to date for preschool and primary school before attending. When did it all change? Leonie Steain

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