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When your home is your castle it seems only right that you would furnish it with the best pieces. Instead of going with the crowd and buying the same “look” as your friends, your home should reflect who you are and what is important to you. Whether it is a family heirloom or a steal from a second hand shop, restoring a unique piece of antique furniture, can do just that.

Anthony Ramirez, upholstere­r and owner of Madrid Upholstery and Polishers in North Geelong is proud of his work.

“I love what I do, it is something very special” he said. “It is a family business that has been running since the ‘80s. My Dad still loves it, he’s retired but he has passed his knowledge on to me. The furniture has been hand crafted, somebody created it; they are a work of art.”

It is not just Victorian pieces that are of interest, furniture from many eras comes up well with a little care and attention. “You can buy ‘60s, ‘70s, even ‘80s furniture which was really well made and is very popular now, it looks great,” Mr Ramirez said. “The furniture was built to last and made for comfort. There was a lot of pride taken in making the furniture. They wanted to make something very special, it all had to be perfect.”

Making your mark on your special piece is just what they want you to do at Madrid Upholstery and Polishers. By emailing them a photo of the furniture, they will quote on how much fabric is required then you choose the fabric you like and it can all be ready in two weeks.

“We provide an interior decorator service for free. There are people who choose your taste and you have to pay for them to choose what you like. It should be the opposite, you should choose what you like. It is not a matter of being wealthy it is a matter of being yourself.”

Having unique furniture that you have chosen to restore in your home will make you feel like the king of your own castle.

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