Geelong Advertiser

Our city snub


“People have long talked about a Convention Centre for Geelong. The time for talk is over.”

That was Premier Daniel Andrews in July last year.

Well what a difference a few months make.

It now emerges, having commission­ed and received what is understood to be a positive business case report on the Convention Centre, it is off the agenda for now.

A few short months ago Mr Andrews was appearing on the foreshore promising Geelong action on this long-awaited project.

A few short months ago he was voraciousl­y pledging Victoria would go it alone if it had to — it would fully fund what would be a nine figure project — even if the Federal Government didn’t contribute a dollar.

A few short months ago the Premier said very pointedly: “We’re getting the crucially needed planning and business case done, so we can consider it ahead of the next budget.”

Yesterday Regional Developmen­t Minister Jaala Pulford had to come out to walk a lot of that back: Geelong would still get attention, it would still get this project, it would still get action — just not yet. Not this budget. Not a red cent.

So what has happened in the interim? There are a few suggestion­s.

One: The business case inquiry was based on a 1000 seat convention centre which is not big enough.

Two: The business case failed to sufficient­ly probe the prospects of a private hotel on the same site.

There are also now rumours problems with the site have been discovered.

This screams of a cock up. It seems like amateur hour. It is certainly a disappoint­ment.

This Government was uniquely placed to push this project through — it has billions from the port sale and the largest public service in Victorian history. But instead, it has squibbed it.

 ??  ?? Premier Daniel Andrews
Premier Daniel Andrews

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