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THE exaggerate­d claims made by Bruce Fletcher ( GA, 28/6) borders on pure propaganda.

Contrary to his assertions, it is not coal that receives “billions of dollars” from the government, but renewable energy projects such as wind farms. In fact the State Government increased the loyalty excise by 300 per cent on coal-fired generation thus making it impossible to run Hazelwood economical­ly.

Subsidies paid to renewable energy providers total in the billions in Australia.

The world over the past three years has spent more than $1 trillion on fighting climate change — all for no measurable impact on climate.

The World Health Organisati­on says that in India, some 400,000 people die each year from the toxic fumes.

In Africa, millions of people are affected by inhaled smoke in confined spaces resulting in over three million premature deaths.

In Afghanista­n, smoke from cook- ing and heating fires killed 20 times as many people in 2010 as did the ongoing conflict.

Many peoples lives would be extended and greatly enriched if they had access to cheap and reliable electricit­y which low coat coal generated power can provide.

According UNICEF, today there are almost one billion undernouri­shed people.

It would take a fraction of $1 trillion — $28 billion to provide the needy with basic nutrition, running water, sanitation and basic education.

Yet the world, mainly the industrial­ised west, continues to squander money on climate change mitigation programs.

We should focus on helping the needy and help developing nations to reduce poverty rather than squanderin­g billions on some esoteric climate problem. Alan Barron, Grovedale

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